No.1 Geek Worker Business Information Platform Geek Talk
👉 Geek jobs from home
Check out all the online side jobs uploaded every day. You can check out hot work from home jobs and new work from home announcements and even apply easily from the app! When looking for a side job from home, check out Geek Talk’s at-home gig job group! It’s a collection of simple but easy ways to make money at home, such as blogging, affiliates, and apptech! When looking for a part-time job or side job from home, check out the at-home gig job group!
🔍Gig category: Affiliate (Coupang Partners, WordPress, Tistory AdSense, Newspick Partners, etc.), App Tech, Review/Experience Group (increasing the number of blog visitors), Online Seller (Smart Store Startup, Coupang Startup, Overseas) Purchasing agency, etc.), talent market (Kmong, Sumgo, Saramin Geek, etc.), home collection (data labeling, home side job announcement upload, N-job)
👉 Professional Geek Jobs
Expert Gig Jobs is full of information about IT freelancers, nail jobs, waxing, semi-permanent jobs, etc., where you get paid per job! If you are an unaffiliated freelance beauty geek job, set your region in Expert Geek Job, complete a fantastic profile that can be used as a resume or portfolio, and communicate with various companies! There is even a system that matches you with a company just by completing your profile! Now you can make bigger profits as a freelancer.
🔍Gig category: IT freelance, education/tutoring, nails/waxing/semi-permanent, broadcasting (performer profile, project, actor community)
👉 Exercise, coaching gig jobs
Discover new areas in exercise and coaching gig jobs that you can do as long as you have a healthy body and perseverance! All domestic job search communities are connected, so we provide a lot of gig job information to those looking for gig jobs. As a Pilates instructor, you can communicate with centers or companies that need you, such as substitute instructors or regular instructors. Geek workers who have difficulty communicating with customers or running a store can also find various know-how at Geek Talk!
🔍Gig Category: Pilates (replacement instructors seeking employment, regular instructors seeking employment, center sales, center rental, general lectures, emergency recruitment), yoga (kids flying, flying, yoga instructor recruitment), health (health training, fitness) Trainer know-how), massage/spa, physical therapy
👉 Local gig jobs
Those who have gigs such as delivery or quick delivery can also check out the various gig jobs on Geek Talk. It is connected to many websites for job seekers and provides a lot of job search information!
🔍Gig Category: Food/Delivery, Quick/Courier
Geek Talk provides useful information and job information for all existing gig workers, and provides beginner know-how to those who dream of becoming a gig worker, creating the beginning of a successful gig worker.